Saturday, 22 September 2007

Next Public Meeting

Our next public meeting will be held on Sunday 7th October. Both members and non-members are welcome, however non-members are requested to donate £4 towards upkeep and venue hire.

Best wishes from the committee,


Saturday, 1 September 2007

Stretching His Veil Of Telemetry

Thank you again for the suggestion of this poem by Sanandra Maitreya in last week's meeting. A wonderful way to start our webpage. 

A falcon aloft
perched on a tree
stretching his veil of
and scanning the fields
beneath its claws
and beneath its old desires
while measuring the wind
to see how much
wingspan the day requires.

Best wishes from the committee, 


Monday, 6 August 2007

To Members Old And New

To Members Old And New, 

We have now set up this public webpage for the society. We will continue to communicate between members using the mailing list but this page will be used for displaying public information. If you are having any problems with the mailing list please do say at next meeting. If you would like to submit any photography, essays, poetry or other related to content please do send it via or email and it can be "hosted" on this site - lots of exciting new possibilities. 

Best wishes from the committee, 
